

This page will contain announcements and communications with church members, with most recent at the top.
  • Applefest Outreach – October 5-6th. Come for: Games, Water, and Conversations.
  • Bring a Friend Sunday is October 13th.  There will be breakfast prior to the Worship Service.
  • Our Ladies Bible Study will start up again on Tuesday, September 10th at 10:00 a.m. in the downstairs Sunday School room. There will be a signup sheet in the back of the church for ladies to sign up. We will be studying Romans.
  • The “We Care Group” is looking for volunteers willing to make a small meal for Church members that are ill or recovering from surgery. We have a sign-up sheet in the foyer for anyone interested in helping with this effort.
  • Directory forms will be on the back table, return them to Arleta. Also, let her know if you need a new photo.
  • Wednesday Fellowship Meal and Sermon Talk Back at 6:30 pm.

(1/2/21) Live streaming of services is here.   The services are available on downstairs TVs at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday, and on the internet here or here.   Videos of past sermons are available here, and will also be available on the individual sermon pages on this site.