Men’s Ministry
Men’s breakfasts are scheduled for the third Saturday of each month at 8:00 am. Food, fellowship and a devotional time.
Women’s Ministry
Ladies’ Bible Study Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the large classroom downstairs. Ladies meet for an informal time of Bible study, prayer and fellowship. There is usually a break over the summer. Check the Events Calendar. Ladies’ Prayer Time Wednesday afternoons at 4:15 pm in the chapel.
Global Missions
Grand Mesa Baptist Church has always had a strong missions emphasis. Almost since the beginning, there has been at least one retired missionary couple as members here, sometimes two or three. Fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus (Matt. 28:18-20) is one of our primary reasons for existence. Missions and outreach with the Gospel (good news) is the primary reason we associate with the Southern Baptist Convention. Cooperating with other like-minded churches, we have a presence for the Lord in Colorado,…