Jeremiah: God's Passionate Prophet

Jeremiah: God's Passionate Prophet

From Honeymoon to Divorce

FROM HONEYMOON to DIVORCE Jeremiah 2:1 – 3:5 What we exchange for God is empty and cannot hold water. Continuing the series: JEREMIAH : God’s Passionate Prophet 2-9-25 Notes – From Honeymoon to Divorce  

Persevering through Intimacy

PERSEVERING through INTIMACY Jeremiah 1:11 – 19 Jesus said, “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Continuing the series: JEREMIAH : God’s Passionate Prophet 2-2-25 Notes – Persevering through Intimacy Also referenced: New Apostolic Reformation; Seven Mountain Mandate; Kingdom Now; Dominionism.  Got questions? More biblical answers at  

The Pattern in Jeremiah

 The PATTERN in JEREMIAH Jeremiah 17; 30; 31 Because God loves you, He will give you a heart that can know Him. Continuing the series: JEREMIAH : God’s Passionate Prophet 1-26-25 Notes – The Pattern in Jeremiah Also referenced:  1-26-25 – Scripture Medley

The Bigger Story

 THE BIGGER STORY Jeremiah 1:1-10 You have been recruited for a role in a bigger story than the one most people live for. Continuing the series: JEREMIAH : God’s Passionate Prophet 1-19-25 Notes – The Bigger Story  

A Womb of Peace

“Before I formed you in the womb . . .”  Jeremiah 1:5 Apart from women, righteousness cannot be sustained. This is the beginning of a new series: Jeremiah: God’s Passionate Prophet 1-12-25 Notes – A Womb of Peace