Sermons on Prayer

Sermons on Prayer

Prayer: Stories of Intimacy with God, Pt. III

PRAYER: STORIES of INTIMACY with GOD Part III – A Question of Urgency Luke 11 & 18 Because “That Day” is coming, we must prepare today.    Luke 18:8 Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” 8-25-24 Notes – Luke 11 & 18, Intimacy Part III Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

Prayer: Stories of Intimacy with God, Pt. II

PRAYER: STORIES of INTIMACY with GOD Part II – Questions Concerning Us Luke 11 & 18 Prayer is a mystery that raises many questions about the potential of intimacy with God. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” 8-18-24 Notes – Luke 11 & 18 – Intimacy Part II Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

Prayer: Stories of Intimacy with God, Pt. I

PRAYER: STORIES of INTIMACY with GOD Part I – Questions Concerning God Luke 11 & 18 Prayer is a mystery that raises many questions about the potential of intimacy with God. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” 8-11-24 Notes – Luke 11 & 18 – Intimacy Part 1 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.  

How Then Should We Pray?

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Psalm 140- 145 Notes – 2021 Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Also referenced:  What are the imprecatory psalms?


Hebrews 13:3 Sunday, Nov. 4, was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP), which we observed in the morning service.  There was no message this morning, but we heard from a pastor from Venezuela, and from some of our members who recently returned from a mission trip to headquarters of Voice of the Martyrs. The objective this morning was twofold: (1) to pray for persecuted believers around the world; and, (2) to increase awareness of persecution and…