Sermons from August 2018
Discipleship Happens in the Physical World
WHAT DID JESUS DO? Jesus LIVED a holy life in this PHYSICAL World John 1:14 August 26, 2018 DISCIPLESHIP happens in the physical world I. The THEOLOGY of God in the Physical World A. Opposition to a Physical Jesus He can’t be God and Man He can’t be Man and God B. Christology in a Verse John 1:14 Word Creative Expression Became Flesh New and Permanent Dwelt Tabernacled…
What DID Jesus Do? Pushing Reset on Discipleship
What DID Jesus Do? Pushing Reset on Discipleship First in a new series. Matthew 28:19 I. SITUATIONAL DISCIPLESHIP: We won’t consistently do what’s right if we aren’t right. II. THE GOAL OF DISCIPLESHIP: Become like Jesus. III. BECOMING LIKE JESUS: Is not accidental Is not guaranteed It is a goal intentionally pursued.
Ecclesiastes, Part 2
Part two of a two part series on Ecclesiastes. On the futility of life without God. Today’s special music was a duet with Pastor Dennis Scroggins and his daughter, Taniall:
Ecclesiastes, Part 1
Part one of a series on Ecclesiastes. On the futility of life without God.