Sermons from March 2021
The Appearance: The Servant Revealed – His Sacrifice
Is This Real ? Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12 Luke 22:39 – 23:47 1 Peter 1-2 The Appearance: The Servant Revealed – His Sacrifice Isaiah 40 – 55 The series, Isaiah: The Strong and Holy God has Intervened, consists of three sub-series: I. Isaiah: God as King (Advent) II. Isaiah: God as Servant (Easter) III. Isaiah: God as Conqueror (Pentecost) This is the ninth sermon in the second sub-series, “God as Servant.”
The Appearance: The Servant Revealed – His Purpose
The servant will bring JUSTICE to the world. Isaiah 42:1-9; Isaiah 49:1-6 The Appearance: The Servant Revealed – His Purpose Isaiah 40 – 55 The series, Isaiah: The Strong and Holy God has Intervened, consists of three sub-series: I. Isaiah: God as King (Advent) II. Isaiah: God as Servant (Easter) III. Isaiah: God as Conqueror (Pentecost) This is the eighth sermon in the second sub-series, “God as Servant.” 3-21-21 Notes – The Appearance – The Servant’s Purpose
The Appearance: The Servant Revealed- His Character
When we LOOK at the servant, we will SEE Yahweh’s character. Isaiah 42:1-9 The Appearance: The Servant Revealed – His Character Isaiah 40 – 55 The series, Isaiah: The Strong and Holy God has Intervened, consists of three sub-series: I. Isaiah: God as King (Advent) II. Isaiah: God as Servant (Easter) III. Isaiah: God as Conqueror (Pentecost) This is the seventh sermon in the second sub-series, “God as Servant.” 3-14-21 Notes – The Appearance: The Servant’s Character
Answers: Setting the Record Straight – The Expected Outcome
When Yahweh receives the GLORY that He is due, then He will see to it that the faithful Servant is EXALTED. Understanding the “Weight of Glory” Isa. 45:18-25; 2 Cor. 4:6-18 Answers: Setting the Record Straight – The Expected Outcome Isaiah 40 – 55 The series, Isaiah: The Strong and Holy God has Intervened, consists of three sub-series: I. Isaiah: God as King (Advent) II. Isaiah: God as Servant (Easter) III. Isaiah: God as Conqueror (Pentecost) This is the sixth sermon in the second sub-series,…