Sermons from September 2021
Lyconia: Rolling with the Punches
Acts 14:1-28 How do you get up again when you find yourself knocked down? You will get up and go again when the value of freedom in Christ becomes greater in you than the comfort of bondage. This is a continuation of the sermon series, Acts: Truth Liberated. This is the fourth message in the sub-series: Places Liberated: Geographical Places. Refer to the notes for more detail. 9-26-21 Notes – Lyconia, Rolling With the Punches
Antioch Pisidia: Giving the Choice
Acts 13:13-52 Choice is a gift of God’s grace. This is a continuation of the sermon series, Acts: Truth Liberated. This is the third message in the sub-series: Places Liberated: Geographical Places. Refer to the notes for more detail. 9-19-21 Notes – Antioch Pisidia: Giving the Choice
Cyprus: Seeing the Pattern of Grace
Acts 13: 1-12 This is a continuation of the sermon series, Acts: Truth Liberated. This is the second message in the sub-series: Places Liberated: Geographical Places. Refer to the notes for more detail. 9-12-21 Notes – Cyprus, The Pattern of Grace
Antioch: Blessed to Bless
Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3 We are most like God when we are giving. This is a continuation of the sermon series, Acts: Truth Liberated. This is the first message in the sub-series: Places Liberated: Geographical Places. Refer to the notes for more detail. 9-5-21 Notes – Acts 11, Antioch