Sermon Archive (Page 21)

Sermon Archive (Page 21)

The Sacredness of Choice, Part II

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. How do you respond to another person’s choice, especially if their choice is one that you wouldn’t consider wise? Romans 14:5 5-24-20 Notes – The Sacredness of Choice, Part II  

The Sacredness of Choice, Part I

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. To choose is divine; to choose wisely is sacred. Proverbs 13:16 5-17-20 Notes – The Sacredness of Choice Today’s Missionary Moment: Pray for the Mivedors in West Africa

The Motherly Compassion of a Wrathful God

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. The God who is willing to do whatever it takes. Exodus 32-34 What would you be willing to do with your SOUL to be a part of what God is doing in this world? 5-10-20 Notes – The Motherly Compassion of a Wrathful God

Part III – Ruth

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. Continuing the series: A Tale of Three Women, who did whatever it took. Matthew 1:3,5             Ruth 1-4 God is pleased with those who are willing to do whatever it takes to participate with Him in His work in this world. 5-3-20 Notes – Ruth – A…

Part II – Rahab

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. Continuing the series: A Tale of Three Women, who did whatever it took. Matthew 1:3,5             Joshua 2 God is pleased with those who are willing to do whatever it takes to participate with Him in His work in this world. 4-26-20 Notes – Rahab – A…

Part I – Tamar

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. A new series: A Tale of Three Women, who did whatever it took. Matthew 1:3,5             Genesis 38 God is pleased with those who are willing to do whatever it takes to participate with Him in His work in this world. 4-19-20 Notes – Tamar – A TALE…

Psalm 22: How Could Jesus Stay on the Cross? (part 2)

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. The entire service, when available, may be found here. Psalm 22 By maintaining four points of confidence… Easter Sunday 4-12-20 Notes – Easter – HOLY WEEK Part II                 4-12-20 Media  

Psalm 22: How Could Jesus Stay on the Cross?

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. The entire service, when available, may be  found here. Psalm 22 By maintaining four points of confidence… Palm Sunday 4-5-20 Notes – Palm Sunday – 2020 HOLY WEEK                      4-5-20 Media    

What Are We to Do? Philadelphia & Laodicea: Be Proactive

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. The entire service, when available, may be  found here. Concluding the series, What Does He Want Us to Do? A Time to Review, based on Revelation 1-3. III. What Are We to Do? E. Philadelphia & Laodicea: Be Proactive (Rev. 3:7-22) 3-29-20 Notes – Philadelphia Laodicea –…

What Are We to Do? Sardis: Be Alert!

NOTE:  Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. The entire service may be  found here. Continuing the series, What Does He Want Us to Do? A Time to Review, based on Revelation 1-3. III. What Are We to Do? D. Sardis: Be Alert!  Revelation 3:1-6 The Christian life is not for the careless and inattentive…

What Are We to Do? Pergamum & Thyatira: Guard the Truth

Continuing the series, What Does He Want Us to Do? A Time to Review, based on Revelation 1-3. III. What Are We to Do? C.  Pergamum/Thyatira: Guard the Truth  Revelation 2:12-29 Truth is a powerful force that must be guarded. Revelation 2:25 3-15-20 Notes – Pergamum Thyatira – Speak The Truth A couple of articles referenced in this message: Why Sex Is the Best Argument For Creation My Same-Sex Attraction Has an Answer

What Are We to Do? Smyrna: Be Courageous

  Continuing the series, What Does He Want Us to Do? A Time to Review, based on Revelation 1-3. III. What Are We to Do? B.  Smyrna: Be Courageous      Revelation 2:8-11 “When the pressure is on, our response reveals and shapes our soul.” 3-8-20 Notes – Smyrna – Be Courageous An article referenced today: “Despite a Murder and Visa Denials, Christians Persevere in Turkey“