What Is the Treasure?
2 Timothy 1:14 First in the Series: Guarding the Treasure 9-15-19 Notes – What is the Treasure
God Has a Plan
Matthew 28:19-20 God Has a Plan – God’s imperative to “make disciples,” and a review of the Cooperative Program, whereby our church participates in the support of over 8,500 missionaries around the world.
Is Hell Real? Part III
Is Hell Real? Hell is the inevitable consequence of choices made that are a reflection of the intrinsic character of God and man. Part III: Culmination of Consequences Genesis 15-19 9-1-19 Notes – Is Hell Real Part III
Is Hell Real? Part II
Is Hell Real? Hell is the inevitable consequence of choices made that are a reflection of the intrinsic character of God and man. Part II: Progression of CHOICES Genesis 13-15 8-25-19 Notes – Is Hell Real Part II Goals: 1. To understand the eternity of our choices 2. To appreciate the enormity of God’s grace
Is Hell Real? Part I
Is Hell Real? Hell is the inevitable consequence of choices made that are a reflection of the intrinsic character of God and man. Part I: Reflection of the Character… Genesis 15 8-18-19 Notes – Is Hell Real Goals: 1. To understand the eternity of our choices 2. To appreciate the enormity of God’s grace
Are We “Gods”?
John 10:22-42 Psalm 82 8-11-19 Notes – Are We Gods
What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual?
1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Psalm 119:18, 89, 129 8-4-19 Notes – What Does It Mean to be Spiritual
What Are We to Do?
Matthew 28:16-20 Why does the church exist on earth? To make disciples. 7-28-19 Notes – What Are We To Do
Is Regret Good?
Matthew 24:32 – 25:46 There is only one thing worthy of regret: Living today without the end in mind. 7-21-19 Notes – Is Regret Good
Is Guilt Good?
Psalm 32 Psalm 51 Psalm 69 Is Guilt Good? Yes, In the right hands 7-14-19 Notes – Is Guilt Good
What Is the Worst Sin?
Numbers 6:22-27 Jeremiah 32:33 Matthew 7:13-14 When we gaze upon the best, the worst will become obvious. 7-7-19 Notes – What is the Worst Sin What does “coram Deo” Mean? (an article referenced in the sermon)
Baptism – What Is the Big Deal?
Luke 7:28-30 What does baptism have to do with fulfilling God’s purpose for your life? 6-30-19 Notes – BAPTISM – What is the Big Deal From the notes: Scriptures about baptism: Matthew 3:6, 3:7; 3:11, 3:13, 3:14, 3:16, 21:25, 28:19 Mark 1:4, 1:5, 1:8, 1:9, 6:14, 6:24, 10:38, 10:39, 11:30; 16:16 Luke 3:3, 3:7, 3:12, 3:16, 3:21, 7:29, 7:30, 11:38, 12:50, 20:4 John 1:25, 1:26, 1:28, 1:31, 1:33, 3:22, 3:23, 3:26, 4:1, 4:2, 10:40 Acts 1:5, 1:22, 2:38, 2:41, 8:12,…