Is the Bible Reliable?
Luke 24:13-35 6-23-19 Notes – Is The Bible Reliable Referenced in this sermon: “Reading the Bible Upside Down” (John Piper article)
Why do We Call God “Father”?
Matthew 6 6-16-19 Notes – Why Do We Call God Father
What are “THEY” Doing “HERE”?
Acts 2 A Message for Pentecost Sunday 6-9-19 Notes – What are They Doing Here Further reading: some items referenced today: David Platt prays for President Trump The Age of Pelagius The meaning of death: Sorting out our significance as image-bearers
Was Jesus Wrong about Claiming to be God?
Matthew 10:23 Was Jesus Wrong about Claiming to be God? (Can Jesus Be Trusted?) 6-2-19 Notes – Can Jesus Be Trusted
Living a Life of Distinction: A Choice of Behavior
Acts 11:19-26 5-26-19 Notes – A Choice of Behavior Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro: John 13 November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own: * December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God: January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering: January 13, 20 II. Putting the Success of others Above our own. * (See above) III. Living An Honest…
Living a Life of Distinction: A Choice of Thought
Acts 11:19-26 5-19-19 Notes – A Choice of Thought Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro: John 13 November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own: * December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God: January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering: January 13, 20 II. Putting the Success of others Above our own. * (See above) III. Living An Honest…
Living a Life of Distinction: A Choice of Authority
Acts 11:19-26 5-12-19 Notes – A Choice of Authority Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro: John 13 November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own: * December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God: January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering: January 13, 20 II. Putting the Success of others Above our own. * (See above) III. Living An Honest…
Jesus: Our Refuge and Strength
Joshua 20:1-6 Hebrews 6:17-20 Psalm 18:2 2 Sam. 22:2-3 5-5-19 Notes – Jesus Our Refuge and Strength
Why Give?
Philippians 4:10-19 4-28-19 Notes – Why Give? Deut. 8:17-18 Deuteronomy 8:17-18 illustration Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro: John 13 November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own: * December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God: January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering: January 13, 20 II. Putting the Success of others Above our own. * (See above)…
Don’t Be Too Easily Satisfied
Resurrection Sunday 2019 Romans 5:8-10 Is being forgiven enough for you? 4-21-19 Notes – Resurrection Sunday – Don’t Be too Easily Satisfied
Giving Thanks for the God of Wrath
Palm Sunday 2019 Romans 5:8-10 In order to truly comprehend God’s love we must first understand His wrath. Or The Cross of Christ makes no sense apart from the wrath of God. 4-14-19 Notes – Palm Sunday – Giving Thanks for the God of Wrath
Participating In Ministry
Romans 12:1-8 You have a calling that is expressed through gifts of service. 4-7-19 Notes – Participating in the Ministry Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro: John 13 November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own: * December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God: January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering: January 13, 20 II. Putting the Success of others Above our own. *…