The Power in Authority
The Power in Authority Matthew 3:13-17 “We are not ready to move on, today or any day, until the issue of authority is settled in our hearts.” The special music today was by Dianne McCully:
The Power of Perspective
Psalm 118 Series: What DID Jesus Do? He walked in the Spirit while living in this physical world.
How to Be Still
Series: What DID Jesus Do? He walked in the Spirit while living in this physical world. Matthew 4:2
Take Two
What DID Jesus Do? Jesus walked in the Spirit in this physical world. Matthew 3:13 – 4:11
Jesus Walked in the Spirit in this Physical World
WHAT DID JESUS DO? Jesus WALKED IN THE SPIRIT in this PHYSICAL World Matthew 4:1 September 2, 2018 Living in the flesh while walking in the Spirit is the normal human condition. I. The OBVIOUS CONNECTION Between Jesus physical life and His Spiritual life. Matthew 1; Luke 1&2; Matthew 3&4; Mark 3; Matthew 7:28; Matthew 14; John 6 II. The PROMISED PARTICIPATION Of those who follow him with this kind of life. Luke 11; John 7:37-39; …
Discipleship Happens in the Physical World
WHAT DID JESUS DO? Jesus LIVED a holy life in this PHYSICAL World John 1:14 August 26, 2018 DISCIPLESHIP happens in the physical world I. The THEOLOGY of God in the Physical World A. Opposition to a Physical Jesus He can’t be God and Man He can’t be Man and God B. Christology in a Verse John 1:14 Word Creative Expression Became Flesh New and Permanent Dwelt Tabernacled…
What DID Jesus Do? Pushing Reset on Discipleship
What DID Jesus Do? Pushing Reset on Discipleship First in a new series. Matthew 28:19 I. SITUATIONAL DISCIPLESHIP: We won’t consistently do what’s right if we aren’t right. II. THE GOAL OF DISCIPLESHIP: Become like Jesus. III. BECOMING LIKE JESUS: Is not accidental Is not guaranteed It is a goal intentionally pursued.
Ecclesiastes, Part 2
Part two of a two part series on Ecclesiastes. On the futility of life without God. Today’s special music was a duet with Pastor Dennis Scroggins and his daughter, Taniall:
Ecclesiastes, Part 1
Part one of a series on Ecclesiastes. On the futility of life without God.
Learning to Watch
Learning to Watch: Ephesians 5:15-21 Last in the series: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? The Power of Words in the Kingdom of God SERIES REVIEW Series: What Are You Saying? The Power of Words in the Kingdom of God. Series Question: How can the words from my mouth and the words in my head be shaped and used for God’s redemptive purposes? (Psalm 19:14 paraphrased) Series Statement: Apart from the Blood of Jesus shed on the cross, and the Spirit of…
Choosing Your Words, Part 2: Words of Truth
SPEAKING THE TRUTH There is no greater expression of the value you place on Christ’s sacrificial death, and the people He died for, than speaking the truth in love. WALK WORTHY! Ephesians 4:1 Choosing Your Words, Part 2: Words of Truth Eph. 4:14-5:20 Ephesians 4-6 Series: What Are You Saying? The Power of Words in the Kingdom of God. Series Question: How can the words from my mouth and the words in my head be shaped and used…
Choosing Your Words, Part 1: Making Your Choice
SPEAKING THE TRUTH There is no greater expression of the value you place on Christ’s sacrificial death, and the people He died for, than speaking the truth in love. WALK WORTHY! Ephesians 4:1 Choosing Your Words, Part 1: Making Your Choice Eph. 5:6 Ephesians 4-6 Series: What Are You Saying? The Power of Words in the Kingdom of God. Series Question: How can the words from my mouth and the words in my head be shaped and used for God’s…