The Historical Perspective
Revelation: What They Saw The Historical Perspective: 2000 years before and after 95 AD
The Historical Context
Beginning the series: “Revelation: What They Saw” Introduction: The Historical Context – 95 AD in Asia Minor under Emperor Domitian
Go Tell It! Part III: The Method
Matt. 28:18-20
Go Tell It! Part II-c: The Message
Matt. 28:18-20 “God has invaded His creation to buy back what belongs to Him, and He’s coming back.”
Go Tell It! Part II-b: The Message
Matt. 28:18-20
Go Tell It! Part II-a: The Message
Matt. 28:18-20
Go Tell It! Part I: The Money
Matt. 28:18-20
A Lesson Learned From History
Give Thanks! 1 Chron. 16:34