Sermon Archive (Page 4)

Sermon Archive (Page 4)

The Seed Growing Secretly

The Seed Growing Secretly Mark 4:26-29 It is in the “Wait of Faith” that we gain the “Weight of Glory.” Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” 6-16-24 Notes – The Wait of Faith, Mark 4:26-29 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Final Word

Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” Sub-series: BE ALERT,  Stories of the Apocalypse,  Matthew 24-25 Matthew 25:31-46  He has told you everything you need to know. What remains to be seen is how you will respond. 6-9-24 Notes – The Final Word Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.  

The Managers and Money

Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” Sub-series: BE ALERT,  Stories of the Apocalypse,  Matthew 24-25 ALERT FOLLOWERS of JESUS     Matthew 25:1-30 Alert followers of Jesus do not presume, they prepare. PART II:  The Managers and Money  How you prepare for Christ’s return reveals whether you LOVE him at all. 6-2-24 Notes – The Managers and Money Also referenced this morning: Poisonous thoughts | WORLD ( “Every thought into captivity” | WORLD ( Here’s…

The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids

Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” Sub-series: BE ALERT,  Stories of the Apocalypse,  Matthew 24-25 ALERT FOLLOWERS of JESUS     Matthew 25:1-30 Alert followers of Jesus do not presume, they prepare. PART I:  The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids  How you prepare for Christ’s return reveals whether you KNOW him at all. 5-26-24 Notes – The Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Two Servants

Matthew 24:45-51 THE TWO SERVANTS Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” Sub-series: BE ALERT,  Stories of the Apocalypse,  Matthew 24-25 The alert leader speaks the truth to the people Jesus values. 5-19-24 Notes – The Two Servants Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Laborers in the Vineyard

Matthew 20:1-16 THE LABORERS in the VINEYARD Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” The “Great Theme” of discipleship is utterly confusing until we learn to sing the tune. 5-12-24 Notes – The Laborers in the Vineyard, Mt. 19-20 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Unforgiving Servant, Bonus Features

Matthew 18:23-35 THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT – Bonus Features Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” Navigating the road to forgiveness is impossible without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 4-21-24 Notes – The Unforgiving Servant, Bonus Features, Mt. 18 An article referenced this morning from Christianity Today Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Unforgiving Servant, Extended Edition

Matthew 18:23-35 THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT – Extended Edition Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” Forgiveness, and the need for it, is the epicenter of events in life and eternity. 4-14-24 Notes – The Unforgiving Servant Extended Version, Mt. 18 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Unforgiving Servant

Matthew 18:23-35 THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” How you respond to an offense by a fellow Christian reveals your heart. 4-7-24 Notes – The Unforgiving Servant, Mt. 18 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Kingdom is… Conclusive

Matthew 13:47-50 THE KINGDOM IS… CONCLUSIVE The Dragnet Resurrection Sunday  The “end of the age,” as Jesus described it, is the reality that brings clarity to life. “What you say about Jesus is the conclusion of your story. “ 3-31-24 Notes – The Kingdom is CONCLUSIVE Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.