Holy Week 2020
Psalm 22: How Could Jesus Stay on the Cross? (part 2)
NOTE: Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. The entire service, when available, may be found here. Psalm 22 By maintaining four points of confidence… Easter Sunday 4-12-20 Notes – Easter – HOLY WEEK Part II 4-12-20 Media
Psalm 22: How Could Jesus Stay on the Cross?
NOTE: Regular services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to bring Sunday morning messages to you on this website and will provide CDs to those who want them. The entire service, when available, may be found here. Psalm 22 By maintaining four points of confidence… Palm Sunday 4-5-20 Notes – Palm Sunday – 2020 HOLY WEEK 4-5-20 Media