Sermons from September 2024

Sermons from September 2024

The Shrewd Manager

THE SHREWD MANAGER   Luke 16: 1 – 13  (Luke 16:1-31) PRUDENT  managers invest with  OTHERS   in mind. 9-8-24 Notes – The Shrewd Manager Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.

The Rich Fool

Luke 12:16 – 21 WISE   managers invest with ETERNITY  in mind. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” This is Part 1 of a sub-series: “WEALTH  MANAGEMENT: Investing for Eternity.” 9-1-24 Notes – The Rich Fool, Luke 12 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.