Sermon Archive (Page 23)

Sermon Archive (Page 23)

Zechariah – The Star

Third in the series: “Minor Prophets, Major Messages – The Drama of Jesus as told by the Prophets“ From: Zechariah 3:8-10, 6:11-13;  Matthew 2:22-23 “You will play your role in this drama well when you gaze often upon the Star.” 12-8-19 Notes – Zechariah The Star

Amos & Malachi – The Narrator

Second in the series: “Minor Prophets, Major Messages – The Drama of Jesus as told by the Prophets“ From Amos & Malachi; Matthew 3, 11, 17; Luke 1 12-1-19 Notes – Amos & Malachi

Give Thanks

1 Chronicles 16:34 “A voice that is inclined to give thanks is the clearest indicator of a heart that is turned to God.” 11-17-19 Notes – Give Thanks

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Hebrews 13:3 This morning we observed the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  Opening and closing comments by Pastor Dennis Scroggins (recording above) addressed the questions, What is persecution? and, Why is there persecution?   (In discussing the “why” of persecution, Pastor Dennis mentioned the “cosmic conflict,” and referred to a recent interview in World Magazine. Here are part 1 and part 2 of that interview.) This was accompanied by videos (links below) and commentary by Judy Greear and…

Daily Life and Reality

Third, and last, in the series: Shadows and Substance Religion and Reality: How are they connected? Colossians 2:16-17 “The role of true religion is to bring our lives into agreement with reality.” III. Daily Life and Reality – Helping our actions agree with reality. Colossians 2:6 “Does Jesus – and following Him – have anything to do with our daily lives?” 10-27-19 Notes – Daily Life and Reality

Spiritual Disciplines and Reality

Second in the series: Shadows and Substance Religion and Reality: How are they connected? Colossians 2:16-17 “The role of true religion is to bring our lives into agreement with reality.” II. Spiritual Disciplines and reality – Helping our heart agree with reality. 10-20-19 Notes – DISCIPLINES    

Religious Rituals and Reality

First in the series: Shadows and Substance Religion and Reality: How are they connected? Colossians 2:16-17 “The role of true religion is to bring our lives into agreement with reality.” I. Religious Rituals and reality – Helping our mind agree with reality. 10-13-19 Notes – SHADOWS and SUBSTANCE

Why Does the Treasure Need to Be Guarded?

Second in the series: Guarding the Treasure:  2 Timothy 1:14 Why does the treasure need to be guarded?  Because there is an enemy who HATES the treasure. 9-22-19 Notes – Why Does The Treasure Need to be Guarded