Sermon Archive (Page 26)

Sermon Archive (Page 26)

Giving and Receiving Correction

Galatians 6:1-5 To become complete in Christ, we need each other. 3-24-19 Notes – Giving and Receiving Correction Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES:   Intentional Kingdom Living Intro:  John 13        November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own: * December 2,  9,  16,  23,  30 HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God:   January 6, 2019                       I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering:  January 13,  20 II. Putting the Success of others Above our own. * (See above)…

Giving God’s “What For”

CLEARING UP BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS Colossians 3:12-13 When we remember what Jesus is “FOR” then we will respond as He did to brokenness. 3-10-19 Notes – Giving People God’s “What For” Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro:  John 13  –  November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own – Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 * HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God  –  January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering –  January…

Speak the Truth

Speak the Truth Colossians 3:9 Until the truth is spoken, and heard, repentance and reconciliation is not possible. 3-3-19 Notes – Speaking the Truth and Clearing Up Broken Relationships Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro:  John 13  –  November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own – Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 * HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God  –  January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering –  January 13,…

Reconciliation in Practice: Identify Your Team

Clearing Up Broken Relationships Colossians 3:12-13 The first step in clearing up broken relationships is to identify the team you are fighting for. 2-24-19 Notes – Identify Your Team Church Covenant COVENANT SERIES Intentional Kingdom Living Intro:  John 13  –  November 25, 2018 Putting the Success of Others Above Our Own – Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 * HEARTS UNDER RENOVATION Colossians 3:10 Change My Heart O God  –  January 6, 2019 I. Praying, Encouraging, Ministering –  January 13,…

Living an Honest Life

Covenant Series: Intentional Kingdom Living – Hearts Under Renovation Part III Living an Honest Life Colossians 3:9-10        Ephesians 4:17-25 1-27-19 Notes – Living an honest life before each other. Church Covenant

Supporting Each Other in Prayer

Covenant Series – Intentional Kingdom Living Sub-Series: Hearts Under Renovation Colossians 1:3-4; 9-12 “Prayer is the most natural and necessary means of supporting one another in our quest for spiritual maturity.” Sermon Notes: 1-13-19 Notes-a       1-13-19 Notes-b Church Covenant