Sermon Archive (Page 9)

Sermon Archive (Page 9)

The Songs of Ascent: Help

Psalm 124 It is in battle that we discover the God who is for us, though at the time it may seem quite the opposite. 1-29-23 Notes – Help, Psalm 124 Psalm 56:9   This I know that God is for me.  

The Songs of Ascent: Happiness

Psalm 128 The Nativity:  an invasion of Happiness (Note: Due to technical issues, the audio begins in the middle of the sermon, and no video is available this week.) 12-25-22 Notes – Happiness, Psalm 128

Persevering Saints: Introduction

Jeremiah 12:5 If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with Horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan? It’s time to decide whether you are a tourist or a pilgrim; a follower of culture or a follower of God. 11-13-22 Notes – 2022 PERSEVERING SAINTS