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Is Hell Real? Part III

Is Hell Real? Hell is the inevitable consequence of choices made that are a reflection of the intrinsic character of God and man. Part III: Culmination of Consequences Genesis 15-19 9-1-19 Notes – Is Hell Real Part III  

Is Hell Real? Part II

Is Hell Real? Hell is the inevitable consequence of choices made that are a reflection of the intrinsic character of God and man. Part II:  Progression of CHOICES Genesis 13-15 8-25-19 Notes – Is Hell Real Part II Goals: 1. To understand the eternity of our choices 2. To appreciate the enormity of God’s grace

Is Hell Real? Part I

Is Hell Real? Hell is the inevitable consequence of choices made that are a reflection of the intrinsic character of God and man. Part I:  Reflection of the Character… Genesis 15 8-18-19 Notes – Is Hell Real Goals: 1. To understand the eternity of our choices 2. To appreciate the enormity of God’s grace

Is Regret Good?

Matthew 24:32 – 25:46 There is only one thing worthy of regret: Living today without the end in mind. 7-21-19 Notes – Is Regret Good  

Is Guilt Good?

Psalm 32          Psalm 51           Psalm 69 Is Guilt Good?  Yes, In the right hands 7-14-19 Notes – Is Guilt Good

What Is the Worst Sin?

Numbers 6:22-27               Jeremiah 32:33               Matthew 7:13-14 When we gaze upon the best, the worst will become obvious. 7-7-19 Notes – What is the Worst Sin What does “coram Deo” Mean?  (an article referenced in the sermon)

Baptism – What Is the Big Deal?

Luke 7:28-30 What does baptism have to do with fulfilling God’s purpose for your life? 6-30-19 Notes – BAPTISM – What is the Big Deal From the notes: Scriptures about baptism: Matthew 3:6, 3:7; 3:11, 3:13, 3:14, 3:16, 21:25, 28:19 Mark 1:4, 1:5, 1:8, 1:9, 6:14, 6:24, 10:38, 10:39, 11:30; 16:16 Luke 3:3, 3:7, 3:12, 3:16, 3:21, 7:29, 7:30, 11:38, 12:50, 20:4 John 1:25, 1:26, 1:28, 1:31, 1:33, 3:22, 3:23, 3:26, 4:1, 4:2, 10:40 Acts 1:5, 1:22, 2:38, 2:41, 8:12,…

Is the Bible Reliable?

Luke 24:13-35 6-23-19 Notes – Is The Bible Reliable Referenced in this sermon: “Reading the Bible Upside Down” (John Piper article)
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