Persevering Saints; The Songs of Ascent (Page 2)
The Songs of Ascent: Work
Psalm 127 Our work is empty and worthless apart from an intimate participation in the greater work of God. 12-4-22 Notes – Work, Psalm 127
The Songs of Ascent: Hope
Psalm 130 Hope describes our confidence while waiting for what must happen because of who God is. 11-27-22 Notes – Hope, Psalm 130
The Songs of Ascent: Obedience
Psalm 132 Our obedience in the present is built upon a proven past and a promised future. 11-20-22 Notes – Obedience Psalm 132
Persevering Saints: Introduction
Jeremiah 12:5 If you have run with footmen and they have tired you out, Then how can you compete with Horses? If you fall down in a land of peace, How will you do in the thicket of the Jordan? It’s time to decide whether you are a tourist or a pilgrim; a follower of culture or a follower of God. 11-13-22 Notes – 2022 PERSEVERING SAINTS
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