Sermons from 2024 (Page 4)
The Unforgiving Servant
Matthew 18:23-35 THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth” How you respond to an offense by a fellow Christian reveals your heart. 4-7-24 Notes – The Unforgiving Servant, Mt. 18 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Kingdom is… Conclusive
Matthew 13:47-50 THE KINGDOM IS… CONCLUSIVE The Dragnet Resurrection Sunday The “end of the age,” as Jesus described it, is the reality that brings clarity to life. “What you say about Jesus is the conclusion of your story. “ 3-31-24 Notes – The Kingdom is CONCLUSIVE Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Kingdom Is… Precious
Matthew 13:44-46 THE KINGDOM IS… PRECIOUS The Treasure and The Pearl Palm Sunday What is the treasure that God valued enough to spend His most precious possession to acquire? Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth.” This also continues a sub-series: “The Kingdom Is….” 3-24-24 Notes – The Kingdom is PRECIOUS Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Kingdom Is… Unstoppable
Matthew 13:31 – 33 THE KINGDOM IS… UNSTOPPABLE The Mustard Seed and The Yeast The Grace of God, once released, cannot be stopped. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth.” This also continues a sub-series: “The Kingdom Is….” 3-17-24 Notes – The Kingdom is UNSTOPPABLE – Matthew 13, Yeast Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Kingdom Is… Distinctive
Matthew 13: 24-30; 36-43 THE KINGDOM IS… DISTINCTIVE The Tares Our primary purpose is not to reform, restrict, or remove the weeds; but to lead them to redemption. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: “THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth.” This also continues a sub-series: “The Kingdom Is….” 3-10-24 Notes – The Kingdom is DISTINCTIVE – Matthew 13, Tares Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Kingdom Is… Selective
Matthew 13: 1-9; 18-23 THE KINGDOM IS… SELECTIVE The Sower The kingdom of God is only open to those who listen. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth. This also continues a sub-series: “The Kingdom Is….” 3-3-24 Notes – The Kingdom is SELECTIVE, Matthew 13, Sower Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Kingdom Is… Introduction
Matthew 13 THE KINGDOM IS… Introduction THE KINGDOM IS… Both /And What they thought they knew was about to change forever. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth. This also begins a sub-series: “The Kingdom Is….” 2-25-24 Notes – The Kingdom Is… Introduction Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
New Cloth and New Wineskins
Matthew 9:9-17 If you choose to follow Jesus, prepare to be stretched. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth 2-18-24 Notes – New Cloth and Wineskins – Matthew 9 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
Until Then
UNTIL THEN Matthew 7:13-29 How, then, shall we live? Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth 2-11-24 Notes – Until Then: Two Foundations – Matthew 7 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Prodigal God
THE PRODIGAL GOD Luke 15 Why would God lavishly, some would say wastefully, pour out His grace on those who are unworthy? Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth 2-4-24 Notes – The Prodigal God – Luke 15 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Marriage Feast
Matthew 22:1-14 You’ve been invited to a wedding and it’s time to get dressed. Continuing the series on the parables of Jesus: THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth 1-28-24 Notes – The Marriage Feast, Mt. 22 Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.
The Reason for the Stories
Matthew 13:10-17 Jesus told stories in order to reveal and conceal the truth. Beginning a new series on the parables of Jesus: THE STORIES of JESUS: Explosions of Truth 1-21-24 Notes – The Reason for the Stories Here’s a list of the Parables of Jesus for your reference.